Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Singapore (Focused ESWT)

What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-surgical and non-invasive therapy for musculoskeletal pain and injuries. ESWT uses high-pressure acoustic sound waves to increase blood flow and stimulate the body’s natural healing process to promote tissue regeneration.

ESWT can manage various bones, joints, tendons, and muscular conditions, including tendonitis, osteoarthritis, stress fractures, and more.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) in Singapore for Knee Osteoarthritis.

How does Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy work?

ESWT directs high-amplitude sound waves to the affected area, causing microtrauma and stress to the affected tissue. Doing so triggers our body to release more growth factors and increase blood flow to the affected area, allowing the body to heal the injured tissues.

Benefits of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

ESWT helps you avoid surgery or relying on steroid injections. 

The effects of ESWT have been proven to stimulate tissue regeneration and repair without injections or going under the knife. There is no downtime; patients can leave the clinic and walk normally after each session.

ESWT can create the following beneficial effects within your body:

  • Stimulate blood flow to the area
  • Release growth factors for tissue repair
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Stimulate the release of stem cells

What is Shockwave therapy? Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) at Straits Podiatry

Types of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

There are three types of shockwave therapy available commercially for various conditions:

  1. Focused Shockwave Therapy: Delivers a focal point of high energy and effectively treats specific areas of injury at the muscle, tendons, joints, or bone. It has a high penetration depth and can target deep tissue injuries up to 12cm.
  2. De-focused Shockwave Therapy: Delivers energy over a larger surface area and effectively treats acute or chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers.
  3. Radial Pressure Wave Therapy: This is not a shockwave therapy because its sound waves have lower energy and low penetration depth. However, they can effectively treat muscular conditions such as trigger points or strains.

You must receive the correct shockwave therapy for your condition, or you will not see good results. Therefore, we recommend you check with your healthcare professional before undergoing ESWT in Singapore. If in doubt, ask what type of shockwave you will receive before commencing.

Conditions Managed with Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

ESWT can manage various conditions, including:

The International Society of Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST) has also published guidelines and a list of standard indications for the ESWT here.

Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Singapore

ESWT’s effectiveness highly depends on the type of shockwave therapy and the condition you are suffering from. Your podiatrist or healthcare professional should thoroughly assess and diagnose your condition and recommend the most appropriate choice of shockwave therapy.

Focused ESWT is the most common choice and manages most musculoskeletal conditions. It is particularly effective if you have a specific area of bone, joint, tendon injury, or even a muscle tear.

Radial pressure wave therapy is widely available but is generally effective in treating trigger point syndrome or myofascial pain syndrome pain. Its effectiveness on bone, tendon, or joints is less than focused ESWT.

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You should avoid ESWT in Singapore if you have the following:

  • Pregnant
  • Active cancer (history of cancer may proceed with caution)
  • Bleeding disorders (e.g. haemophilia, thalassemia, taking strong blood thinners)

Before starting treatment, you must inform your podiatrists or medical practitioners if you have any of the above.

ESWT generally has no side effects, but you should only receive treatment from trained professionals for safety. All our podiatrists are certified medical shockwave practitioners internationally by ISMST, as your safety is our priority.

ESWT generally do not have any side effects. We normally expect slight bruising or discomfort post-treatment, which does not affect your ability to walk or perform normal activities. However, there are conditions where ESWT is not for you:

  • You are currently pregnant.
  • You have bleeding disorders or are taking strong blood thinners.
  • You are undergoing treatment for cancer.

ESWT can cause discomfort during the treatment, typically at the area of injury. Your podiatrists or healthcare professional should monitor your level of discomfort and make necessary adjustments to the energy level. It is vital to understand that reducing energy level can affect the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, you should work with your podiatrist or healthcare professional for the best outcome.

ESWT is widely available in Singapore, but not every clinic offers all types of shockwave therapy. Most clinics only offer Radial Pressure Wave Therapy, which is not a shockwave.

At Straits Podiatry, we believe in providing the best selection of therapies and offer both Focused ESWT and Radial Pressure wave therapy. Our podiatrists are also internationally certified in providing ESWT, giving you the best assurance.

In Singapore, clinics do not require specific licenses to perform ESWT. However, ESWT is a medical device, so only qualified healthcare professionals such as orthopaedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, and podiatrists can operate without training.

At Straits Podiatry, we believe in providing the highest quality of care and safety. Therefore, all our podiatrists have received further training and are certified in providing medical shockwave treatment by ISMST. It is an additional step to ensure you receive the best shockwave treatment in Singapore.

Insurance coverage for ESWT in Singapore highly depends on your insurance plan and diagnosis. ESWT is an outpatient treatment and is not a day surgical procedure. We recommend you check with your insurance provider for more information on coverage and claim procedures.

Ultimately, ESWT helps you avoid surgery and allows you to achieve recovery without side effects. Therefore, you do not have to worry about any risk of surgical failure or any serious complications.