A Morton’s neuroma is a ball of thickened nerve tissue that occurs in the digital nerves of the foot, often referred to as a benign nerve tumour. The most common neuroma occurs between the third and fourth toe and is a painful condition that causes shooting pain or numbness down to the affected toes.
The cause of Morton’s neuroma is linked to several factors – biomechanical stress, trauma, and compression. These factors lead to irritation of the nerve tissues and result in swelling and inflammation of the nerve sheath.
Tekanan biomekanik – keadaan yang membawa kepada sendi kaki yang tidak stabil semasa berjalan (contohnya hipermobiliti sendi atau kaki rata) menyebabkan saraf menjadi "mencubit".
Trauma – trauma tunggal atau berulang kepada saraf digital menyebabkan keradangan dan bengkak saraf.
Mampatan - kasut yang ketat atau tumit tinggi menyebabkan mampatan berterusan di atas kaki depan, menyebabkan saraf digital dimampatkan dan jengkel dari masa ke masa.
Faktor risiko neuroma termasuk:
Patients with Morton’s neuroma will experience neurological pain symptoms, which are distinctive and easy to differentiate from other conditions.
Tanda-tanda dan gejala neuroma termasuk:
The treatment for Morton’s neuroma involves reducing pain and inflammation of the nerve tissue and addressing the underlying factors leading to its development.
Pilihan rawatan di Singapura termasuk:
In cases where the condition is more severe, the following options may be considered:
Rawatan tidak invasif harus selalu dipertimbangkan sebelum mencari prosedur invasif. Profesional perubatan anda harus menilai dan membimbing anda mengenai pilihan rawatan yang disyorkan.
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Straits Podiatry (Buona Vista),
31 Rochester Drive,
#02-01 (Blok Hotel),
138637 Singapura
Straits Podiatry (Katong),
i12 Katong, 112 Pantai Timur Rd,
Singapura, 428802.
Podiatri Selat (Kebun),
Perubatan Jepun Healthway
@The Centrepoint
176 Jalan Orchard,
Singapura, 238843